CCK + Mapstraction + Cloudmade

Peter Rukavina

I’ve begun to experiment a little with using Mapstraction, Drupal module that wraps around it, Cloudmade maps and a Drupal CCK type called Place as a way of storing my personal collection of landmarks. It’s not very elaborate to start, but it works: take a look at to see how I’ve gotten along.  More to follow.


Submitted by Tim Willems on


Hi Peter,
did you succeed in applying a different Cloudmade rendering style to your map?
I’m trying to implement the same trio in my Drupal site and have got it to work, but have not been able to change the styling.
According to the modules issue ( you need to apply a patch first, which i’ve done, but to no avail.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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