Carry Honest Tea, Earn My Business

Peter Rukavina

Honest Tea BottleAs you all know, I’m a devoted consumer of Honest Tea-brand iced tea. When the tea first arrived at my local Shoppers Drug Mart last year I was ecstatic, as I’d only been able to consume it when visiting [[Yankee]] to that point. I’ve probably bought 250 bottles this year.

Alas the local Shoppers Drug Mart hasn’t had a regular inventory of Honest Tea of late — there have been weeks when it’s been entirely missing from the shelves — and they’ve been cutting back on their selection, going from four flavours to two.

When I bought the last three bottles on the shelves last week, my cashier told me she didn’t think they’d be carrying it any longer. When I phoned today and asked to speak to the person responsible for that section, I was told that decisions about which products are carried are “made by head office,” but that the Honest Tea problem locally might be related to “problems with the company that supplies it” (I’ve emailed Honest Tea to ask for their assistance in this regard).

In any case, it seems like Shoppers doesn’t exactly have a deep and abiding commitment to Honest Tea, as they’ve started to stock a Snapple product that, while it appears to be Honest Tea-like, is in fact a sugary-sweet pretender.

So here’s the deal: if you’re a Charlottetown retailer or restaurant, and you want my business, just stock Honest Tea. You can contact them at (301) 652-3556 and they will hook you up with a distributor. You stock Honest Tea, and I’ll promise you that I’ll come and buy it from you. Several times a week. And I’ll tell all my friends to do the same.


Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


Shoppers Drug Mart on University Ave. called me back today: they expect to have Peach and Mint Honest Tea in stock on Wednesday of this week.

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