Bruce Dalzell and Mini-Tramps

Peter Rukavina

I have no idea who Bruce Dalzell is, and there’s scant information about him available online, but I love the opening verse to his song On Becoming An Adult:

I was bouncing on a mini-tramp,

in the middle of my kitchen,

pondering the difference between cynicism and bitchin’.

I’s waiting for the dishes,

drying there in the rack.

Then I find the right cupboard,

and gently put them back.

How much joy can one boy take?

Does it make a sound when my heart breaks?

If nothing else, the song deserves an award for “best (perhaps only?) use of the word mini-tramp in a folk music song.”

The mini-tramp figured prominently in my childhood: first, it was a key piece of gymnastic apparatus at the Hamilton YMCA; second, it was a key plot device in an episode of WKRP in Cincinnati.


Submitted by Wayne on


The P.R. event dreamed up by Mr. Carleson, dropping live Thanksgiving turkeys out of a helicopter was one of the funniest moments I have seen on TV. Hitting the pavement and splatting like waterballoons as reported live by Les, the crowd looked on in horror…

“As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly!” sobbed Mr. Carleson.

Todays stuff just doesn’t measure up to genius like that.

Submitted by Justin on


By those who are empowered to decide these things, that ranks as the #1 funniest scene in all of TVdom. My favvie is from Cheers… fade to Cliff: “Oh, a Freudian slip - that’s an easy one. It’s when you mean to say one thing, but instead you say your Mother.”

I made it to 40 years old and have never seen a tramp, mini or maxi, with my own eyes. Strange. We sell ‘em where I work, too!

Submitted by stephen good on


how often does washing dishes appear in song? Bruce Cockburn:

Today I found out what the luxury of hate is
Maybe as exciting as doing the dishes

not to be confused with his other lines

Today was a dog licking crap from the gutter in the street
Tonight is a dancer oscillating on weightless feet

Submitted by KDoyle on


Washing Dishes also appears in The Hip’s ‘Greasy Jungle’:

I stood - at your sink - and I felt - your warm water
I washed - your dishes - and I looked out your kitchen window
Where I saw a soulful - gymnast melt - in the air
And shudder - just above the snow - making moves that just weren’t there.

As a side note, The Hip have the only song I can think of which contains the word ‘vicariously’.

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