Big Storm

Peter Rukavina

There is a mighty storm happening around us. This isn’t some sort of minor-league “a little snow” kind of storm: it’s a “we can’t open our front door” storm. No snow plows. No police. Tried to get to work, but turned back after about 15 feet. So far, though, we have power. Will hunker down and watch the SponsorGate hearings on Newsworld.


Submitted by Al O'Neill on


There’s a few flurries here in Fredericton. Before heading to the lab this morning the CBC radio guys were chuckling about how bad Moncton was going to get it while it will miss us :)

Submitted by Daniel Burka on


I walked from three blocks down Richmond Street past your house into work in the same building you work in Peter. <tone style=”annoying” id=”smirk”>Hmmmmm…</tone>

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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