Behold the Koloss

Peter Rukavina

rukUp in the top-left corner this afternoon you’ll find a new ruk. The macron is gone (if you’re still confused about the pronunciation, read here and stop being so Anglocentric). Or just sing it out letter by letter — r-u-k dot c-a — as it’s very lyrical.

The new typeface is an old typeface: Koloss Regular from German designer Jakob Erbar, released in 1930. Erbar was also the designer of the ruk that preceded this one, set in Erbar Bold Condensed.

I am lover of 1920s German type design, and a particular fan of Erbar’s work. I appreciate Koloss (German for colossus or “any man or beast of gigantic size”) for its ability to hit you over the head with it’s weight while simultaneously bewitching you with its jaunty angles and snubbed corners.

The old ruk was almost four years old; it was there when this incarnation of my blogishness debuted on September 29, 2004. It will be missed.


Submitted by oliver on


In white on the black banner it looks more like a glyph than a word. I wonder if new visitors will always recognize it as three letters from our alphabet. Anyway, a glance at the URL would resolve any doubts. Handsome, I think.

Submitted by Chris Corrigan on


Okay…you made your case, and my eye has somehow adjusted to the new logo. Upon reflection, I see what you appreciate about the typeface. For me, as I look at it, it’s a nice proportion of extremes - long/short, thick/thin.

So, thanks for the background info, interesting reading, as always.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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