Back in the saddle again...

Peter Rukavina

Today has been one of those amazing “did I really do all that in one day” kind of days. We woke up at 7:30 a.m. in Swiss Cottage, London. Black cab to Paddington Station, Heathrow Express to the airport, Air Canada to St. John’s, then Halifax. Drove home to the Island, arriving 7:30 p.m. Atlantic. By all rights this kind of thing should take several weeks.

Our vacation was fantastic, and I’ll pour more stories of our exploits here as I have time to digest it all.

In the meantime, my anti-spam filters have been working busily away, and there are 2,344 messages in the “probably spam” mailbox right now. I’m going to throw them all away, so if you’ve sent me a message that contained phrases like “guaranteed free” or “enlargement like you’ve never seen,” don’t expect a response.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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