Apple Store

Peter Rukavina

Well, here I am at the Apple Store in Peabody, MA.

The coolest thing about this store is that everything is set up for customers to use. You can take pictures, shoot videos, run software. And all of the machines are connected to really fast Internet.

This approach to retail makes all other computer stores look like car dealers who won’t let you take the cars for a test drive (little mac shoppe excepted, of course).

Maybe I’ll go shoot a video now…

It’s amazing how amazing this all is; it represents the de-geekification of computing, taking their sales from the back alleys and grotty sweat-soaked dork-brothels into the modern age. Computers as towels. Or hammers. Or cartons of milk. Bravo, Apple.

Gotta go check out the iPod and then start the long ride home to Canada.


Submitted by Johnny Rukavina on


Well, your movie worked. I thought your use of tracking shots and chiaroscuro lighting was delightfully Fellini-esque.

Submitted by Oliver Baker on



Impressive production values coming from a vagabond off the street. Spiffy looking store too. I wonder if they’ll make money though with overhead like that.

Submitted by Dave Moses on


i’m afraid i have to admit i wasn’t playing star trek with the 12 year old… he was playing with me :(

Submitted by Rob Fletcher on


That movie totally made my day. I enjoyed it and I now know what Peter looks like. I wish I had a practical use for it, imagine the fun I could have.

Submitted by Rob Fletcher on


Ah. Sorry to spam. When I said “I wish I had a practical use for it”, I ment the toys you used to make that video.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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