Antigone's Big Day

Peter Rukavina

Antigone, our wifi-enabled rabbit, is coming with me to CBC Charlottetown this morning to record an interview for a future episode of Spark. There’s no way I could expect Antigone to walk all the way out there, so we took the car. [[Oliver]] insisted that she wear her seatbelt:

Antigone in the Car


Submitted by Don on


What age groups would this gizmo be good for? I have kids aged 8 and 4… and are totally into ‘webkinz’… This might be an interesting diversion!

Submitted by Peter Rukavina on


While my 7-year old son Oliver does take occasional delight in our Nabaztag, he takes considerably more delight in his Webkinz, mostly because of the seemingly endless variety of web delights (aka come-ons) that Webkinz offers on its website.

Right now at least, I think the Nabaztag is better positioned as a curiousity slash hack platform for a geekily minded elder rather than as a play object for kids. Indeed I think I read somewhere in the Nabaztag docs that “this is not a toy.”

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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