Anne McGoldrick

Peter Rukavina

Who are the people who go on Anna McGoldrick’s Musical Tours of Ireland?


Submitted by Dan James on


Seventeen years ago the said singer/entertainer rented my family’s home in Sherwood PEI for the entire summer. I had won a HUGE green cutout four-leaf-clover that was meticulously decorated by my teacher for something or other in first grade and it hung proudly on my bedroom door. At the end of the summer when I returned to my house I did not find my award where I had left it but a note saying that it had been used in decorating a stage or something to that affect. Being a six year old I was crushed and bawled my eyes out for days. It

Submitted by Alan on


Harry Flemming, the recently retire NS newspaper colunist, used to write about going on her tours, drinking too much and daydreaming about late middle aged adultery.

Submitted by Justin on


Don’t hold anything against Ms McGoldrick (other than that grating “Galloway Bay”). ‘Tis the curse of becoming adult at heart that those unfortunate to do so gain the inability to understand the child. Perhaps the most difficult journey is not a journey at all: the journey to remain a child at heart.

Submitted by Kevin on


What a vivid story Dan, can I use it in some fiction if I respect the child who was clobbered by this insensitivity? And that’s a clever insight there J.

Submitted by William Davis on


I am appalled at some of the comments I have read here! My wife and I have been on tour with Anna McGoldrick in Ireland and Scotland. We had the treat of our lifetime, with excepttional entertainment, music, and good timess. We were treated royally by Anna and her husband, Michael. We had a super travel bus, with an excellent driver. Our meals and pub visits, music, etc., etc. left us still yearning for another tour with Anna. We could not have enjoyed it more~

Submitted by Audrey Curran on


I have just returned from Anna’s tour of Scotland and Ireland and just had a grand time. The hotels and the food was fabulous and our driver, Paddy Kennedy, who was also our tour guide in Ireland was the very best and very accomodating. Anna is a great lady who kept us entertained with her jokes and beautiful singing accompanied by John Scott Trotter. I would reccommend this fantastic tour to everyone. I have travelled a lot and this was the best trip ever.

Submitted by ANNE on


Hi: On Friday, I returned from Anna’s Christmas Tour in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. It was my first tour. Awesome!!! Meals, shopping were fantastic. Classy hotel, but, most of all the FABULOUS MUSIC we heard throughout at the Grand Hotel. And the HOOLIES, also closing the bar each nite was an experience I won’t soon forget. And Anna was as gracious as she was when she performed at the Savoy in Glace Bay, N.S. Canada a few(?) years ago. Way to go, Anna. You still got it, girl!. Our time together was much too short. Anne Ellsworth

Submitted by charlie on


looking through the music found anna mind her when she was on opportunity knocks back in the day she was a brilliant singer brings back loads of memories

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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