And the world was meant to be…

I stopped my car along Rte. 101 this evening, as I was driving from Dublin to Brattleboro, to take this photo of the sun starting to set on Brewster Forest. This is, by far and away, the best time of year to visit New England, and, by my count, the 12th year since 2000 that I have done so.

Fall Panorama, along the 101 between Dublin and Keene

When Fall comes to New England
And the wind blows off the sea
Swallows fly in a perfect sky
And the world was meant to be
When the acorns line the walkways
Then winter can’t be far
From yellow leaves a blue jay calls
Grandmothers walk out in their shawls
And chipmunks run the old stone walls
When Fall comes to New England

— Cheryl Wheeler, When Fall Comes to New England
