Air Canada Seat Sales and Deals

Peter Rukavina

Air Canada’s Daily Deals for today are very cheap flights to Asia including Toronto to Beijing or Shanghai for $365 each way. Oddly, the fare from Vancouver, where you have to make a stopover on the way to either, is $410. Which means, I think, that the fare from Toronto to Vancouver is minus $45. Weird. Anyway, if you’ve ever had a hankering to visit China, this is a very inexpensive way to get there — high season fares are in the $1300 range each way.

Meanwhile, the current Websaver fares from Halifax are equally “all-time low” with Halifax - London at $179 each way. You can even fly Halifax - Port Au Prince, Haiti for $150 each way.

As usual, there are only a couple of sale fares from Charlottetown: Lima, Peru ($440 each way) and Sydney, Australia ($827 each way). The only rhyme or reason I can make for the difference between Halifax and Charlottetown sale fares is that availability on the Halifax to Charlottetown route is non-existent — even Moncton is showered with super fares.


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