
When you click on any of the links below, which are “affiliate links,” I’ll receive a cut of the action when you purchase something or sign up for something. I won’t get rich, but it will help keep the server running.

iTunes Store

With my colleagues at Yankee Publishing, publishers of The Old Farmer’s Almanac and Yankee magazine, I’ve developed the following mobile apps for iOS. Some are free, some are paid. If you click on any of the links below I’ll get a percentage of the app purchase, and of anything else you purchase from Apple in the next 24 hours.

Yankee Magazine

  • Best of New England Travel – I use this app myself when visiting New England. It’s a handy distillation of what’s best about New England – hotels, attractions, restaurants – from Yankee editors. FREE.
  • Foliage Leaf Peepr – A tool for reporting on and learning about foliage conditions in the New England states. You can use it to report foliage conditions – the colour of the leaves – and to see a map with the aggregated reports of others reflecting the predominant foliage conditions in every county in the region. FREE.

Although I don’t have a hand in publishing it, you can also get the complete Yankee Magazine for your iPad from iTunes.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac

  • Almanac Long-Range Weather ForecastThe Old Farmer’s Almanac is famous for its weather predictions, and this app gives you the current and next month’s forecast for any region in the US or Canada, with the option to subscribe to the entire Almanac’s worth of forecasts. FREE/PAID.
  • Full Moon Finder - A simple app: it tells you when the next full Moon is. PAID.

Although I don’t have a hand in publishing it, you can also get the complete Old Farmer’s Almanac Monthly for your iPad from iTunes.


If you follow this link to and then purchase something, I’ll get a cut. Here are some things I’ve purchased from Amazon myself to get you started:

Roam Mobility

As I blogged about here, Roam Mobility is a Canadian company in the business of equipping Canadians with SIM cards for travel to the US and Mexico. If you sign up for one of Roam Mobility’s USA Roaming Plans, I’ll get a cut.

About This Blog

Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

To learn more about me, read my /nowlook at my bio, read presentations and speeches I’ve written, or get in touch ( is the quickest way). You can subscribe to an RSS feed of posts, an RSS feed of comments, or receive a daily digests of posts by email.
