A6 Notebook Pouches from Modulor

Peter Rukavina

I am a big fan of the Paper-Oh Circulo A6 notebook, and my sketching over the past 18 months has largely been predicated on having one at my side almost all of the time. This, in turn, has been made possible by the perfectly-sized A6 Handy Zippered Pouch from Modulor that I’ve been using to carry them around: the pouch holds a Circulo notebook, a pencil, an eraser, and a package of 5 sketching markers. And it fits into my back pocket, or into my bag.

When we were at Modulor last month, thus, I made sure to pick up some additional pouches, both in A6 and in B6, so that I’d never be without one. I also purchase an A6 Phat Bag, which is made out of polyethylene fiber that purports to be tear resistant and “writable / paintable.”

Here’s the new bag assortment, along with my well-used pouch, purchased on an earlier visit to the store:

Modulor Bags

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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