The 81 New Media Workers in Atlantic Canada

Peter Rukavina

From my friend Jon, Director of the Confederation Centre Art Gallery and Museum, comes the following note:

This year the Cultural Human Resource Council of Canada commissioned a survey of the new media field. The idea was to look at patterns in the field from the broadest range of new media workers, from writers, to designers to code geeks. The resulting survey will eventually lead to public policy decision in Ottawa related to the field. The research firms conducted to do the study are EKOS Research and Delvinia Interactive both based in Ontario.
Based on their claims, there are only 81 new media workers in all of Atlantic Canada. When I questioned this number they told me that based on their experience and the replies they received back from their on line survey this was an accurate number. I don’t think it is, based admittedly on my highly inaccurate and subjective personal experience.
In order to shut me up they have agreed to put the survey back on line until July 5 and if we can find any additional new media workers to fill it out by then they would include it in their survey.
Ottawa will likely use the results of this survey to set in place programs and policies that will have an impact on the new media field. If these studies only reflect the reality of what is the conditions in Ontario then again we will have programs put in place the will benefit those in that province. Please take the time and fill it out.

Emphasis is mine. As much as I think studies like this are a folly, it does seem absurd for anyone to conclude that there are only 81 new media workers in Atlantic Canada. Heck, I could probably name you 81 off the top of my head, most of them working within shouting distance of where I type this.

To assist in correcting this inaccuracy, perhaps the new media workers in the readership could fill out the survey. The survey is, like most surveys, somewhat insane. But the cause is just.

Please spread the word to your new media colleagues.


Submitted by Sandy Peardon on


Thank you Peter for bringing this to the attention of the New Media players who read your blog. I will do the same at ITAP.

As you mentioned, we all question the benefits of surveys like these, but the stakeholder organizations REALLY do look at the number of participants, and point to their feedback to justify their support or non-support for programs and initiatives. When bureaucrats thirst for information, they will drink sand (i.e.distorted or no feedback) in the absence of water (i.e.sage advice).

Submitted by Ryan Richards on


They must be kidding 81 people; I can name at least 100 I know in person so I would not count on this 81 number at all. It’s an insult to their users intellectual to claim they done a survey and so unprofessional, you can’t just pop up a survey form with no demographic consideration!

Submitted by Ken on


What is new media, besides web?

If I shape Cheerios into a URL on my kitchen table, am I working in a new media.

Why don’t they just say web?

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