548,561 words

Sometime this spring I passed the half million mark in the “words I’ve written on this blog” counter. That’s half a million words in six years. Some interesting statistics:

  • Most popular proper nouns:
    • Island (478 times)
    • Oliver (452 times)
    • Charlottetown (347 times)
    • Catherine (334 times)
    • Internet (312 times)
    • CBC (258 times)
    • Canada (231 times)
  • Number of mentions of Aliant: 159
  • Number of uses of word compelling: 60
  • Number of uses of word nifty: 12
  • Number of uses of word shit: 17
  • Number of uses of word fuck: 9
  • Number of uses of word love: 65
  • Most prolific month: June, 2003 (22,787 words)
  • Most prolific day: July 27, 2004 (4,018 words)
  • Words written by year:
    • 2005: 69,818 words
    • 2004: 139,390 words
    • 2003: 155,547 words
    • 2002: 100,924 words
    • 2001: 71,778 words
    • 2000: 10,428 words
    • 1999: 676 words
  • Most popular links to other websites:
  • Number of graphics and photos: 618
