“Daddy, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before…”

Peter Rukavina

Riding back from a paddle at Andrew’s Pond this afternoon, pulling my canoe behind my bicycle, I passed a family out in their front yard.

“I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before!”, said the father, looking at my unusual roadshow.

“Daddy, I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before!”, replied his daughter.

And in that moment I realized my reason for being: to create small moments like that, small moments where people can see things they’ve never seen before.


Submitted by Krista-Lee Chr… on


Perfect! It's a great thing when people can bring their specific interests to light in a way that makes other people excited about doing something in their own lives.

Submitted by Devon on


Fabulous, thank you. I don't think I've ever seen this before either :) This somewhat reminds me of how I've lately noticed passersby are more inclined to talk to me when I'm berry-picking, which is somewhat counterintuitive that strangers would be eager to approach a funny-looking gray-haired dude hanging out in the bushes alongside trails. And perhaps it's equal parts 'never seen that before' combined with my effusive glee in abundant huckleberry patches. Now I aspire to the condition of berry-picking in all aspects of my being...

Submitted by elmine on


Your picture reminds me of my own canoe adventures. My father built a bike cart for our canadian. A bit wobbly, but it served its purpose: getting the canoe to the nearby canal (100m). Sometimes we dared to bike a little bit further, but that often meant rearranging the canoe several times along the way.

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Photo of Peter RukavinaI am . I am a writer, letterpress printer, and a curious person.

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