Sounds of the beach at Wood Islands

When Oliver and I were on the beach at Wood Islands Provincial Park on Sunday, I recorded just under two minutes of the same of the water lapping against the rocks. You’ll hear birdsong in the background if you listen carefully.

An interesting project in these pandemic times would be to stick a permanent microphone at the shore to broadcast sounds of the PEI surf 24/7 to those unable to be on the beach in person.


Marina Miller's picture
Marina Miller on June 2, 2020 - 20:39 Permalink

I could listen to this all evening. How peaceful.

Ray's picture
Ray on June 3, 2020 - 06:22 Permalink

This is a great idea. I imagine there would be a fan club tuned in from around the world.

Trina's picture
Trina on June 3, 2020 - 11:06 Permalink

And add a camera for good measure, choosing a couple of locations on the Island for varied soundscapes.